Goodness, time flies – it’s already the last day of February, and a week since I turned 23 (I got to celebrate with my friends for most of the week, which was quite spectacular!). As a small end-of-February celebration, I thought that I’d share some music that I’ve been listening to as my bread and butter for the past month, a song that I’m sure will encourage and refresh anyone who hears, as much as it did me. I don’t remember how I came across it (probably on Pandora – that app seriously gets it right sometimes), but it was close to the end of January, and I remember stopping whatever I was doing to listen to the words of this song. The words gripped me, not only because of their simplicity, but because of the power and absolute truth behind them. They’re written as if straight from God’s heart to ours, and it’s just overwhelmingly beautiful to me. Continue reading
Tag Archives: trust
Am I There Yet?
I’m directionally-challenged.
I don’t know what “turn southwest” means (I mean, is that left or right?!), and sometimes when my Google Maps app lady tells me to turn right, I accidentally turn left thinking I’m completely correct. I could chalk it up to normal human error, but even then, I still have the hardest time deciphering (what should be simple) highway directions. My internal conversations as I approach and am on highways goes a little like this:
(heart speeds up) Must… edge… into… oncoming… traffic… safely. Anddd success!
Hm, do I take this exit?…
Or THIS exit?
Wait, no, I think I just exited too early.
Or…wait… Am I even on the right highway?
Okay, I’ll take the exit in a quarter-mile.
Wait, there are two directions to exit in. Is it left or right? Left. Or. Right. LAYO, CHOOSE!
(veers left)
Google Maps Lady: Rerouting…
(face palm)
Such is my life when I’m out on the road and not too familiar with my surroundings. Yes, I definitely panic when I’m waiting on the Google lady to tell me where to go, and she hasn’t said anything in 5 miles, and I see a stoplight coming up, and I wonder, do I turn? Am I going straight? What do I do, Google Maps lady?? It was at a time like this recently – when I began to internally panic as I drove to my destination – that God really started to tug at my heart and speak to me about patience and listening to Him in my life. Continue reading
Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)
It was a very rainy, beautiful start to Labor Day today, so when I woke up, I was immediately reminded of this song that I heard in the background while at church yesterday. Oceans, and the rest of the Zion CD, was released by Hillsong United earlier in the year (on my birthday!), and it’s one of the more well-known songs on this CD, but I hadn’t really taken the time to listen to the words and engage with it in worship. From the very first words, to the bridge of the song, I felt it as a true prayer of my heart. Talking about the worldwide response to the song, the band members express how this song applies to us all, no matter where we are in life, whether it be questioning who God is, or walking with God for years. It’s all the same basic situation: we come to places in life where we have to step out in faith, “the great unknown”, because God always wants to take us deeper in Him and do crazy things in this world with our lives.
You called me out upon the waters
The great unknown, where feet may fail..
..Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You’ve never failed and You won’t start now..
..Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith would be made stronger in the presence of my Saviour…