You can’t hear it, but I’m definitely cheering for this year’s birthday. I’ve been cheering for this birthday, and the day’s finally here. You all know how much I enjoy symmetry, so I’ve been particularly excited about this year’s day and year: 2/22/22. The cool thing is that it’s also a Tuesday (or – and get ready to roll your eyes at this – a Two’s-day), which gives me a little bit of a chuckle.

Well, what can I say for this year’s birthday post? While 30 is the usual milestone, it still feels incredibly monumental to me to be turning 29 today. It’s the last year of my twenties, the last chapter of a decade that has brought so much change, growth, and strength to my life by God’s sustaining grace. That’s huge to me. I remember turning 20 in my senior year of college. If it were possible, I would tell that old me to get ready for some of the best years up ahead. I would have never thought that I’d have moved halfway across the world away from my family for med school for the majority of my twenties, or that I’d be ending it as an actual pediatric resident physician in Brooklyn. It seems like time flew by when I think of the characters I’ve met near and far, those who have shared their stories with me and vice versa. I remember some disappointments and discouraging times, and how through it all, the Lord blessed me with wonderful family and friends who heard my cries and stood with me in difficulty so that I could keep on pushing through to the end. I can’t even begin to quantify the ways that the Lord has been faithful to me over these years. And that’s the phrase that really sticks out to me as I think over this past decade – faithful sustenance – and I just can’t get over it.

There are so many moments over the past day alone that I know I was graciously carried through due to the Lord’s faithful sustenance. Then I extrapolate that knowing to this past week, this past month, the past year, the past decade… and I am both speechless and breathless being reminded of God’s faithfulness. I’m in awe at how Jesus has shown His immeasurable love to me in moments great and small. I’m deeply thankful for how the Holy Spirit has given me wisdom and guidance through every situation I’ve experienced. Thoughts of gratefulness for this faithful sustenance flood my mind and are all my mind settles on as I enter this last year of my twenties.

I’ll be starting 29 in the middle of my intern year of residency, which has been a rewarding, yet supremely intense experience for me thus far. Many days, I’m too tired to even speak, but yet every day, the Lord blesses me with the exact grace I need to conquer what lies ahead of me. Recently, I read 2 Corinthians 9:8, which says “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”

In all things, at all times, having all that you need.

This is a promise that I have seen come alive in my life over the past year, as God graciously shows me His faithfulness in new ways and sustains me with each step. It’s such a blessing (and that’s honestly an understatement) to trust that the Lord knows exactly what I need at all times. It could be strength, wisdom, guidance, an encouraging word, time to sit and rest, a hug… the list is endless. All that I need varies, but what never changes is God’s faithfulness in giving me exactly what He knows I need in the midst of each circumstance. This next year of life is sure to be full of new and thrilling adventures as always, but I’m especially excited as I’m reminded that I will always, always, find all that I need in Christ alone.

4 thoughts on “29

  1. Happy 29th Birthday Princess Joy! Thanking God for bringing you to this new year! In all things, at all times, having all that you need- Christ is faithful. Christ will be faithful. Christ has been faithful and will ever be faithful to you. We celebrate the amazing beautiful woman of God you are! Abundant blessings are upon your year. Love. Dad.

  2. Happy Birthday Lady Joy! We can hear that cheer and cheering along! Love, love, love how God is graciously showing you His faithfulness in new ways and sustaining you with each step. It is indeed a blessing trusting the Lord each step in walking with Him. Now singing that old time hymn as I’m reading through: Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness, Morning by morning new mercies I see, All I have needed thy hand hath provided, Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me. Rest assured that every single need (guidance, wisdom, strength etc.) God will faithfully provide. We celebrate you and thank God for all He is doing in and through you! Here’s to a terrific year! Love Always-Momma.

    • Ahh, one of my favorite hymns!! And especially over the past year. I’m so thankful for how God has and is providing. Thank you, Mom!

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