Seasons Change

This past weekend, my suite mates and I took senior pictures together on campus to commemorate our senior year at Rice. It was a lovely time – at first I thought it would be a bit stressful with so many things to look after, but our wonderful photographer, Alison Chang, of alison wanderland photography was so calm and kind, funny and creative, that she quickly banished any thoughts of “Oh my goodness! Must. Make. Sure. Hair is in place at. All. Times” from my head. Below I share my absolute favorites from the shoot. I hope you enjoy them as much as we did taking them.


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*The post title is a reference to a song I really enjoy called Seasons Change by Corinne Bailey Rae. And indeed, as we draw toward the last week of classes, I can slowly feel our seasons changing.


Taking a look at photos taken by various people on travels around the globe, I just can’t help dropping a quick note here and vocalizing the same sentiment subconsciously riddled through the visual masterpieces: travel is unparalleled. I’m so blessed that I can count it as one of my favorite things to do (or, I will very soon! But travel through photographs is the name of my game, currently) and that I enjoy it to the fullest. I can’t wait to see even more of the world!