Happy February!

I suppose I should wish everyone a very joyful and wonderful 2013, but it might be a bit late for that. Happy 2013 anyway, though! I’m really enjoying February, which is my favorite month for a host of reasons. I will write some more posts over my spring break in a week and a half, but for now, I’m just dropping a note to wish everyone a great year. It’s already been quite a busy one for me thus far, and I’m excited for this year’s prospects.

More to come soon!

The Best Words

I do have to say: parents (both heavenly and earthly) have the best advice.

They have a way of instilling hope in their children with a few simple words and instructions. Today, for me, began in a very distressing way. But by day’s end, the tangible effects of my deepened spiritual life were evident to me, which in itself, is a miracle of grand proportions. I was filled with peace, joy, and trust in the fact that God is indeed good and faithful.

This 2012 Christmas, I’m reminded of how blessed I am to have wonderful parents and family. I hope that everyone else can appreciate the beautiful wisdom that their parents have imparted upon them this year.

Merry Christmas, friends! May you feel the impact of God’s blessings in a new way as we soon celebrate the love poured out from Jesus’ birth. Lots of love to you all!

Beautiful Exchange

When only love
Could make a way
You gave Your life
In a beautiful exchange

When only love
Could break these chains
You gave Your life
In a beautiful exchange

Holy are you God
Holy is Your name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love you

Seems to be one of the few things for me capable of easing the pain of knowing that someone heartlessly took the lives of so many young children in Newton yesterday morning. In times like these, when all I can do is weep and ask why, Lord, I pray for Your comforting peace.

Emptying Tomorrow of Its Sorrow

Looking at a friend’s blog a week or so ago, I was struck by the sheer simplicity and truth emanating from a quote she posted by Corrie ten Boom: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.”

So poignant and true. Worry serves to take away our time from accomplishing what we should be doing now. We spend that time thinking of what we can’t do at the moment, rather than what we can do. Before you know it, you look at the clock, and somehow, time’s already passed by and more worry sets in as you realize that now, you really really must buckle down or be sorry. It’s a great reminder to me during these last two weeks of school and finals. Anytime I start to panic and think of the massive amounts of work due, I pray first to myself, “Jesus, help me. I need You.” And then I remember this quote and release any worries from my mind and get down to business. A sure way to release worries is in busying myself with what needs to be done. Accomplishing a long night of studying is exhausting, yet rewarding, because I know I’ve done my best to finish what is required of me.

It’s a blessing to know that on Friday, I will look back on this week and know without a shadow of doubt that releasing my worries to God and trusting Him was the only way I made it through.

Plus, worrying isn’t fun! It keeps one from enjoying life’s spontaneity because constant thoughts of “what if” cloud clear, thoughtful judgement and decisions.
And that just dumps sorrow on one’s tomorrow instead.

Pardon My French

Houston weather often “forgets” that there are seasons, especially when it comes to fall and winter, so the recent chilly days over here have been true breaths of fresh air. It actually feels like fall today. It’s definitely putting me in a Paris state of mind (I’m always partly in a Paris state of mind, though) because coupled with the amazing, breezy, fall weather, I’ve been getting into Garance Doré’s fairly recent “Pardon my French” videos about her time at Paris’ Fashion Week this fall (fall in Paris is what I wish on Houston everyday..). Her site is a treat: a visual diary of her weekend inspirations, things she likes at the moment, interviews she conducts with fashion greats.

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