This summer, I take the TRE train into Dallas every morning to work in my research lab. The first thing I remembered as I stepped onto that train the morning I began my summer commute was its similarity to Paris’ RER. The way that I could take in the Dallas skyline as the train slowly pulled away from the station brought back memories of staring at the saturated yellow-green wistfulness of the French countryside as my friends and I went into Zone 1, 2, 3, 4… until we were in the 5th zone for a beautiful night at Disneyland Paris.  Continue reading


I’ve long returned from my beautiful time of living in Paris… about 6 months ago, to be exact. I’ve yo-yoed back and forth about updating my blog here concerning my time in Paris, thinking it was way too late to have regular blog posts again about all things Paris. But it’s never too late to talk about one of my favorite places on earth. And so I’m resurrecting my blog to talk about Paris: my favorite and least favorite aspects, my adventures and my host family, the things I learned and the things I came to understand through my time there.  Continue reading