About four or so days ago, I took the MCAT. I can’t express how HUGE it is for me: it seems that a weight was directly lifted off of my mind. Taking the exam really gets the ball rolling with my applications to medical school coming up soon… it’s all so much more real! I haven’t been able to stop smiling since it’s been over (seriously though, I’ll be sitting at my computer working and a smile will randomly creep up on my face; It feels great to be done). And I realize that many people despair afterwards, or try to forget it, or think about the next available time to retake it, but for me? None of that. All I’ve experienced is an immense sense of peace and relaxation. It’s truly a beautiful and joyful blessing for me to have had such a wonderful experience after completing the MCAT.
I really think that the already-large amount of warm fuzzies in my heart were greatly compounded by my family and the many, many friends who came up to me afterwards, asked how the exam went, hugged me, prayed for me, wished me well, brought me celebratory meals and snacks, wrote me notes, and overall rejoiced with me as I closed that chapter of my life. One friend said, “You’ve just made a huge step in becoming a doctor by completing the MCAT!” I hadn’t thought of it that way before; sure, the MCAT is important, but I didn’t think of it as a major achievement to cross off my application to-do list.
But now, I see it for exactly what it was. A true accomplishment. And I’m just incredibly blessed to have shared that experience with the many wonderful, amazing people God has placed in my life.
Before our conversation last night, Dad and I were talking about how quickly the MCAT came and went. It is exactly that…a huge accomplishment! Love this statement, “But now, I see it for exactly what it was”. Those are “aha” moments that helps to bring us clarity. You’re one super blessed princess. That peace is God’s seal on your heart, that says, “It is well”. God loves to love on you and smile on you! So proud of you our Dr.!! And echoing Dad’s slogan…We are lining up as your charter patients
Love. Momma.
YAY, thank you Mom! I always enjoy your kind comments to me. Very excited for this upcoming year!